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As the premier column for method development, the 1.7 um ACQUITY UPLC BEH C18 sorbent provides you with the most universal column choice for UPLC separations. The trifunctionally bonded BEH particle gives you the widest usable pH range (pH 1-12), superior low pH stability, and ultra-low column bleed for high sensitivity MS applications.


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Waters, ACQUITY UPLC BEH C18 1.7 um, 186002350

SKU: 186002350

    Copyright 2019.

    LUSCIENCE all rights reserved.

    ​루사이언스 / 대표자: 임홍석

    사업자 등록번호 549-01-00443

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    TEL 031-796-2955  /  FAX 031-796-2956

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    창고 : 경기도 하남시 미사대로 510,한강미사아이에스비즈타워 1015호

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